Wednesday, February 24, 2010

fine art

i've decided to stop wasting my time with modern day high fashion images. i don't like 'em and they fuck with my head. PLUS, the emaciated image of the female figure is such a blip on the radar of female beauty throughout history. This image is fleeting and inconsequential.


i'm sticking to fine art that depicts the female form through the concept of beauty that has dominated most of history.

the female figure is so naturally beautiful. we don't have to keep tampering with it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Christina Hendricks

Can we all just take a moment to admire the beauty that is Christina Hendricks (star of TCM's "Mad Men")?

Yes, we can.

Christina Hendricks is another example of a woman actively and successfully working in the entertainment industry who is considered beautiful without conforming to the "typical Hollywood standard." She is pale, red-headed, and voluptuous as all hell. I think she is gorgeous, and her confidence in her body and self is apparent when you look in her eyes. Her beauty definitely comes from within.

Oh, and on a side-note, I leafed through ChrisCarlson's copy of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue today and was taken aback by the amount of photoshopping done to the models, especially in comparison to fashion mags: shockingly, THE WOMEN WERE NOT PHOTOSHOPPED BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION! These women, who are, in a way, representing the pinnacle of female beauty (to men, generally) do not need to be perfected. They are already perfect.

Bodies are beautiful just as they are.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Today, a woman told me I am an inspiration to her. That she appreciates my help and input. That I look happy.

And then I realized, I am happy.

I have gone 36 days without purging. This doesn't mean I haven't acted on my ED in small ways, but I haven't done the behavior that hurts by body, my weight, and my mind the most. Honestly, I think I am going to stop counting days off and just enjoy the extended normalcy. I like having a number, but it makes this streak too abnormal and special; it IS special, but I want it to feel normal. I have spent that last 3 years allowing ED to feel normal, and it's time for a change.

It's an amazing compliment to be called an inspiration. Its an amazing experience. And, in truth, she's not exactly the first. During my recent recovery, I have received many wonderful messages of support, and I thank those of you who've expressed care. You know who you are :)

I have a question for all of you-who do you look towards for inspiration? What do you consider inspirational? Sometimes, its important to have figures to look at when we need a little help, and I want to know what helps you.

Wow, what a cheesy blog. But sometimes, cheese is good :) Those warm fuzzies fill a space in your body food can never get to, know matter how hard we try to fill it with cookies and ice cream.

36 days and I'm still going strong.

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